13 Aug 2016

Nabi chap 105-106-107.

Hi everyone,

So Nabi continues!!

These are the last translated chapters I got. Pual's exam is at the end of the month. So hopefully we will come back in September. 

Nabi chap 105-106-107
Translator: Pual

1 Aug 2016

Nabi chap 102-103-104.

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for all your comments and emails, they're extremely supportive. I wish I could reply to each one of them. Just that time is scarce to me right now, and I'd better spend it updating new posts right :D

It must have been forever since the last update on Nabi. So here it is. Some answers are starting to form.

Nabi chap 102-103-104.
Translator: Pual