25 Oct 2015

Nabi chap 100-101.

From KYJ-nim's twitter <3
Hi everyone,

This is totally irrelevant lol, but I'm gonna get the last volume of Bride of the Water God soon. My~ I love publishers in my country sometimes (just sometimes). Thank to them I rarely have to wait for online scanlation groups. And the best thing they've done is of course, Platina and Nabi. xD

I wonder if there is anyone's willing to be my proofreader and/or editor if I ever decide to pick up Platina..:p

Okay let's start!

Nabi chap 100-101
- Translator: Pual -

22 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah chap 38-39.

Hi everyone,

As requested, simultaneous updates between Nabi and PI.

I need some help first, can anyone pls tell me about this? Wikipedia tells me that "His Majesty" refers to the King, and "His Highness" refers to the (crown) Prince. "His Highness" isn't used for the King. Is it correct? Someone from a country which had or still has the royal family maybe, so can be sure about it? I want to prevent this mistake from future chapters.

Another matter, in PI vol.2, perhaps some of you noticed some 'strange' lines regarding Arthur and Orthez's marriage, Duke Tessa, Marquis Ricel, Prince Paris and the King's involvement. I tried to make sense of it at that time but failed. So I just asked Pual for help (as always :p), and this is his translation:

Duke Pano: "Arthur
Does the Duke of Tessa know?"

Arthur: "I think he will know sooner or later."

Duke Pano: "That's true. But what will he do when he finds out?
He could say that you guys were relatives so the marriage was invalid.
He would insist that since Orthez was still a virgin, it would be null."
He would just do so, and that was it."

Duke Pano: "It's a bit unpleasant that the King and the Marquis are added into this.
What are you going to do, now that the two father and son of the Eloison royal family are involved with you?"

"Does Duke Tessa know?" - about Arthur and Orthez haven't consummated their marriage, I guess?
"The King and the Marquis are added into this" - into Igraine's situation, Duke Pano surely knows about Igraine and Arthur.
"The two father and son of the royal family are involved with you" - in an awkward way, the King with Igraine, the Prince with Orthez. Arthur, you poor guy, lol.
--> Does it make things a bit clearer? :D

Okay done! Now, the new chapters.

A Tale of Felluah chap 38-39
- Translator: Pual -

21 Oct 2015

Nabi chap 97-98-99.

Hi everyone,

From now on I'll use chapter instead of volume for both Nabi and Pellua Iyagi, because we're seeing the releases on the monthly magazines.

And, I want to send a special thank to Raff @raffmanga. Thanks for bringing me a lot of wonderful readers Raff. :p

Now, a fix for Nabi's fans :p

Nabi chap 97-98-99: "And... Another Name of Fate."
- Translator: Pual -

17 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 4 - "You are my lady. Mine."

Hi everyone,

You might know what's in this part already right. Yeah, hot scene ahead!! This is the full context and translation for it.

If you want to get the whole thing in HQ: it was in the May and June issues of Party (chap 37-38).

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 4
- Translator: Pual -

14 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 3 - "The language of flowers of reeds"

Hi everyone,

Part 3, more ArthurOrthez's moments for you guys^.^

Well drunk Arthur is just so [...] :)) (please fill in the blank)

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 3
- Translator: Pual -

12 Oct 2015

How to read the newest chapters of Nabi and Pellua Iyagi.

Oh My I just can't believe I was so mindless that I never thought of this before. Basically you can download the magazine app from AppStore or GooglePlay, then you can get the monthly issue from there for a cheap price. So simple. And here I was head-aching thinking about shipping the physical magazines from Korea lol.

Here are some simple instructions.

Nabi is being published on Issue magazine, so go search for [이슈] on AppStore/GooglePlay. There's a "subscribed fee" of $9.99 for a year. After paying that you'll get all the issues from this point forward for one year!. I.e: I just paid this month - October, I'll receive all issues from October 2015 to October 2016. Sweet deal! It has the newest release as the physical magazine. For the older issues it was $0.99/each.  

Pellua Iyagi:
You need Party magazine so search for [파티] or [파티 만화] or [파티 plus] (depends on iOS or Android). I don't know why but you can get 3 latest issues for free, but have to pay $0.99 for each older one. For example I got the issues of October-September-August for free, but had to pay to get the July one.
It isn't updated to the latest issue though. The November issue is published already but there's only until October in the app. Guess we have to wait for a month, but it's free so can't complain.

This plus the ebook version on yes24 I posted earlier, I think now everyone can have the newest chapters of Nabi and PI. So this blog's job here is done bye everyone lol.

Hope this is helpful and everyone can enjoy the series now.

11 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 2 - "Igraine, my sister, live well."

By KYJ-nim. I love this drawing, just want to post it here.
Hi everyone,

I tried to enhance the pics in the previous post. Still suck, but at least they won't hurt your eyes anymore, so check the post again if you want.

If you want to purchase the gorgeous copy of Nabi and Pellua Iyagi ^.^ one of these sites is what you need: gmarket.co.kr - aladin.co.kr - yes24.com

Especially there's ebook version of Pelluah Iyagi vol.1-5 available on yes24.com right now! The price is really nice too, 2500-2800won ($2-$2.5) one volume. So pls purchase to support the author if you can.

The ebook version on yes24.com

Now, next part of vol.6. Prepare!! You're about to meet Nox Asrealt, the most handsome man in Felluah!!
(I'm laughing, hard =)) )

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 2
- Translator: Pual -

9 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 1 - "When we get back to Felluah, I want to hold you"

Vol.6 cover

Hi everyone,

Vol.6. Believe me there's just so much in this volume to process...

Felluah isn't divided into chapters with names like Nabi, but I think it needs some kind of title to keep track of what happens in each part, so I just pick one line from the chapter, hope it's ok :p

A Tale of Felluah vol.6 part 1
- Translator : Pual -

4 Oct 2015

A Tale of Felluah vol.5 part 3 - Arthur and Orthez's first kiss!!

Arthur and his Fabina *cough*harem*cough* Knights.
Why does Jules look like a girl -_-
Hi everyone,

Here it is, Orthez's birthday party and the whole context of their first kiss!! Corrected translation too so pls check it again.

Highlight: Brace yourself, you're about to meet........ Agne of Tulsi!! Yes she's a real person!! LOL.

A Tale of Felluah vol.5 part 3
- Translator: Angela & Pual -

A Tale of Felluah vol.5 part 2 - "Would it have been better if we had met sooner?"

Vol.5 full color page.

Hi everyone.

Being impatient is never smart... Long story short, I got some virtual kicks sent by my translator, ahaha, and now I'm posting every part of the story chronologically, no more shortcuts... 

This part is right after part 1 released by RH.

A repeated note: This is not a complete translation nor HQ scans. I always think we should wait for RH for that.

A Tale of Felluah vol.5 part 2.
- Translator: Pual -

3 Oct 2015

Nabi vol.19 part 4 - Chap 37 [continue and end].

Hi everyone,

Here are improved summaries for vol.17:
Summaries of vol.18 are alright I think, don't really need improvement (or I'm just lazy...)

Now, this is the last part of vol.19, also the last one we have atm. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Nabi vol.19 part 4
Chap 37: Was a dream, Must be butterfly (Butterfly) [continue]
- Translator: Pual -

1 Oct 2015

Nabi vol.19 part 3 - Chap 37: Was a dream, Must be butterfly (Butterfly).

This drawing makes me feel pitiful for all of them ;-;
Hi everyone,

Editing this part, I couldn't help but thinking I've done a poor job with my previous summaries. I left out many small details that didn't seem important at the time. But we know how KYJ-nim's stories are, in the end those small details really matter. Hence, I think I'm having to go back and improve the old posts, gradually. Can't post all the pages because editing out all texts would take forever, but at least I can provide translation for every line in the story. So here's the first improved summary. Improved work for vol.17 and 18 will be following soon.
Nabi vol.16 part 2 - Chap 31: Little girl's toy. [Improved]

Now let's continue with vol.19:

Note: Seong's fellow guy, his name is Sang-ha. I had to dig in some old volumes for this, sorry Sang-ha hyung!

Nabi vol.19 part 3
Chap 37: Was a dream, Must be butterfly (Butterfly)
- Translator: Pual -